Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most popular questions we get. If you still have a question about our services or properties, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • What is the “Tenant Portal”?

    This is an online tool provided for you at no cost. You will need a valid email address to access your resident portal. There you will be able to pay your rent online, make comments and notes about any concern regarding your home, and check on the maintenance requests submitted for your home.

  • How do I report a maintenance item?

    To submit a maintenance request, please click here and submit your request via the online form. To report emergency maintenance needs, call 904-352-6999 or 904-501-9964.

    The following are examples of maintenance emergencies. The main sewer line is backed up. A pipe broke and water is leaking into the home. There was a break-in and you have an unsecured entrance to the home. For police or fire emergencies, dial 911 before calling us.

  • What do you look at during the screening process?

    We look at many different factors during our screening process. The main categories we review are:

    • Payment History
    • Criminal History
    • Credit Score
    • Personal and landlord references
    • Rent to Income Ratio
    • Past residency
    • Collection and Delinquent Accounts
  • I did not have a pet when I moved in. May I have a pet now?

    First, email us with a request for a pet. Do not move a pet into the property without permission. 904 Property Management will contact the owner and submit your request. If the owner does allow the pet, an increased security deposit and fee may be required and a pet addendum must be signed.

  • If I cannot pay the rent on time, what should I do?

    Your first efforts should be to figure out a way to pay your rent on time using whatever resources you have.  Please bear in mind that 904 Property Management has no authority to allow you to pay late. Our client has chosen us to manage their property which includes enforcing the rental/lease agreement.

    You can expect that our office will be contacting you soon after the rent is late. This may include the service of a 3-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit. If the rent is paid late, you will incur late fees and service charges when a notice is served to your door. In addition, you will become liable for all legal costs if an attorney is hired to begin eviction proceedings.

  • Can you hold a place before I apply?

    We do not hold places as that wouldn’t be fair to other potential tenants that are ready to sign now.

  • How do I access my Tenant Portal?

    If the tenant portal is enabled for your property, you will receive an automated invitation to your email. You can also click here to watch a video on using the portal.

Have more questions? Contact us today.

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